
On­line On­ly

Our Online Only auctions allow you to bid easily on art objects.

Upcoming Online Auctions:
- Swiss Art
- International Art before 1900

from 26 March to 9 April

Catalogue online from 26 March

You can view all works from 27 to 30 March at our gallery in Basel, Schwarzwaldallee 171.


Create an account with your personal data on our bidding platform (from 26 March)

You can bid on the internet via our live bidding platform, either from your PC or through our apps for smartphones and tablets.


Bids can be placed until the end of the auction.

If you are outbid, you will be notified by e-mail and can increase your bid.

The closing of lots is staggered with each subsequent lot closing one minute after the previous one. Another unique feature in our online only auctions is extended bidding. If a bid is placed within the last 5 minutes of a lot's scheduled end time, we extend the sale by 5 minutes from the last bid. 

The bidder who has entered the highest bid at the end of the auction time is the successful bidder.

After the Auction

Were you the successful high bidder?

Then you will receive a notification by e-mail and afterwards an invoice.

Do you have any questions? We will be happy to advise you at or +41 61 312 32 00.